We help organizations achieve their business goals by providing high-quality Information Technology solutions that enhance the efficiency of their business processes, fostering a culture of ongoing collaboration with our clients.
Our team consists of committed individuals with a high level of experience in the best practices of the software development industry for mobile, web, and desktop platforms.
Scrum is a framework through which complex and adaptive problems can be addressed by making iterative and incremental deliveries of the product with the highest possible value. It is based on empiricism, which asserts that knowledge comes from experience and that decision-making should be based on what is known.
It consists of the Scrum Team and its roles, events, artifacts, and associated rules. Each of these has a specific purpose and is essential for the success and use of Scrum.
Villahermosa, Tabasco, México
Av. Samarkanda #106, Priv. Flamingos
Col. Oropeza, C.P. 86030
Phone: +52 (993) 315.00.95
Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México
Antonio Rodríguez #613, Interior A
Col. Ribereña, C.P. 88620
Phone: +52 (899) 924.54.94
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